Walter Ross

Walter Ross

~ The Seasons of Ngo Chi Lan

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The Seasons of Ngo Chi Lan

  1. Summer ~ mp3
  2. Autumn ~ mp3
  3. Winter ~ mp3
  4. Spring ~ mp3

The Seasons of Ngo Chi Lan was written for the violinist Mary Findley who asked me for a composition to perform on her solo recital in Washington, D.C. in 1988. It is a set of four miniature tone-poems based on the poem "The Four Seasons" by the 15th Century Vietnamese poet Ngo Chi Lan. The music is modal and impressionistic.

This work has not yet been recorded professionally.

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

For archival quality scans of scores and parts, or lossless audio recordings please ask here.

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